Van Doorn Container Sales & Rentals has many years of experience in the rental and sale of containers in various sizes and with various options. We arrange the transport and customization is central. We take care of the adjustments to your containers so that you always have a container that suits your needs, from safe storage to mobile office space or security.
Would you like to know more about Doorn Container Sales & Rentals and the possibilities we offer you? Please contact us.
Wherever your container needs to go, we are happy to deliver and transport it for you. Transport by truck, rail or barge; we always provide the best, cheapest and most effective transport solution. We can take care of your container transport worldwide.
We can also arrange it for you for extraordinary loads that have to be loaded or unloaded by crane or forklift, containers that need to be unloaded or loaded from/or onto a chassis/trailer.
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